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My top 5 sidekicks

Sidekicks cast and crew tell you their favourite sidekicks of all time.

Dan Ilic - Mac

  1. Joe Biden
  2. Stephen Colbert - The Daily Show
  3. Glenn Robbins
  4. Elwood Blues (Dan Ackroyd) - Blues Brothers
  5. Rebel Wilson in Bridesmaids

Emily Rose Brennan - CB

  1. Rhonda (Rachel Griffiths) in Muriel's Wedding
  2. Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) in Seinfeld
  3. Bryan Fantana & Brick Tamland (Paul Rudd and Steve Carell) in Anchorman
  4. Gobe Bluth II (Wil Arnett) in Arrested Development

Louise Alston - director

Stephen Vagg - writer

  1. Jane Russel in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
  2. Heather Burns in Miss Congeniality
  3. C3P0 in Star Wars
  4. Anna Paquin in The Piano
  5. Nick Frost in Shaun of the Dead
  1. Piggsy from the TV show "Monkey"
  2. General Marcus Agrippa to the Roman Emperor Augustus
  3. Andrew Voss on Channel Nine's rugby league coverage
  4. Goose in Mad Max
  5. Rick Darling to Graeme Wood in the Australian cricket team of the late 1970s

Adrian Bilinski - sound design

  1. Igor to Dr Frankenstein.
  2. Keith Richards to Mick Jagger.
  3. Dr Phil to Oprah.
  4. Brad Pitt to Edward Norton (fight club)
  5. Robin to Batman (for the latex crowd)
  6. Beaker to the scientist dude (muppets)
  7. .Animal to Dr Teeth (musician wise)

Shane Addison - stage manager

  1. Barney Rubble (The Flintstones)
  2. Manny Bianco (Black Books)
  3. Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons)
  4. Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
  5. Mr Jingles (The Green Mile)


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